All Theatre Courses fulfill a Fine Arts Credit needed for graduation
Theatre Production I
All Grades
This course fulfills a 0.5 Technical Credit needed for graduation
This is a survey course that covers the basic aspects of theatre production with emphasis on construction techniques for technical settings. The areas of costuming, make-up, lighting, publicity, and properties are studied along with various other phases of technical theatre. Theatre performance is also covered including theatre basics, improvisation, pantomime, voice and diction, and movement.
Theatre Production II
All Grades
Prerequisite: Theatre Production I
This course fulfills a 0.5 Fine Arts Credit needed for graduation
This is a continuation of Theatre Production I, which includes technical theatre, theatre performance, and theatre history. Students will also learn script analysis, script writing, auditioning, and ensemble production. The semester concludes with a One Act Festival that is student written, directed, and performed. Students will be required to memorize dialogue for performing in front of a live audience.
Acting I
All Grades
This course fulfills a 0.5 Applied Communications Credit needed for graduation
This course studies acting in its various forms; improvisation, monologues, Shakespeare, Musical Theatre, and scene work are all included. Techniques from various acting teachers will be covered including: Constantin Stanislavski, Sanford Meisner, Bertolt Brecht, Viola Spolin, and Uta Hagen. Students will be required to memorize dialogue for presentation during class. Additional topics include character analysis, criticism, and dramaturgy.
Acting II
All Grades
Prerequisite: Acting I
This course fulfills a 0.5 Applied Communications Credit needed for graduation
This is a production course for specialization in an end of the semester performance. In the Fall, students will produce and perform a One Act Play to be entered in the Kansas State One-Act competition. In the Spring, students will produce and perform a Children’s Theatre show to be toured to area elementary schools. This course provides further training for those students interested in extending training from Theatre Production and Acting I. These topics include auditioning, ensemble production, directing, technical theatre, and script analysis. Some out-of-class time is required for production experience.
Technical Theatre I
All Grades
This course fulfills a 0.5 Practical & Consumer Studies Credit needed for graduation
This advanced course is a study of the basic aspects of technical theatre production with emphasis on construction techniques for technical settings. Students will be completing projects in conjunction with plays produced at Olathe East Theatre. This will include set construction, costuming, prop construction, painting, and publicity. Some out-of-class time is required for production experience.
Technical Theatre II
All Grades
Prerequisite: Technical Theatre I
This course fulfills a 0.5 Practical & Consumer Studies Credit needed for graduation
This class addresses lighting, sound, and set used to design productions in the theatre. History, varying design styles, and practical use of equipment are included. This course includes the use of computer technology, such as vector works, CAD and Wysiwyg. Some out-of-class time is required for production experience.
Repertory Theatre
Grades 11,12
Prerequisite: Acting II
This course is only offered during 4th Hour
This course fulfills a 1.0 Applied Communications Credit needed for graduation
In this course students will produce and perform four productions for the school and community, both during and after school. These productions will include an Improvisation Comedy Show, two Sketch Comedy Shows, and an Improv Tour to area Middle Schools. In addition, students will prepare audition monologues to be used for the Thespian Excellence Awards and compete at the State Improvisation competition. Out-of-class time is required for production experience.
Repertory Theatre
Grades 11,12
Prerequisite: Acting I & any Choir Course or Drill Team Course
This course is only offered during 7th Hour
This course fulfills a 1.0 Applied Communications Credit needed for graduation
In this auditioned course students will produce and perform three productions for the school and community, both during and after school. These productions will include a Broadway Revue Show, a touring Broadway Medley, and a Full-Length Musical. In addition, students will prepare audition pieces and vocal selections to be used for the Thespian Excellence Awards. Out-of-class time is required for production experience.
Repertory Theatre
Grade 12
Prerequisite: Repertory Theatre
This course fulfills a 1.0 Applied Communications Credit needed for graduation
This course is for students who wish to take Repertory Theatre for a second time. In addition to the course requirements for Repertory Theatre, students will take a leadership role as producers, directors, and designers. Students may choose either Acting Repertory Theatre or Musical Repertory Theatre. Out-of-class time is required for production experience.